Showcase animations and models from the Astro-3D project

Virtual Sky

A rendered Blender model showing the celestial sphere changes due to Earth's rotation. A scene from a co-orbiting camera looking at the rotating Earth. Used the actual night sky image from NASA.

A Sample WebGL model

This embedded WebGL rendering of the Sun-Earth-Moon system was created with Unity and can be played in any modern web browser.

An AR model created in Unity

An example AR model showing the electric fields around two charges.

Solar Rotation & Activity Cycle

A screen recording from a Blender session of creating the Solar Rotation & Activity simulation. The sequence of solar images was taken by Solar Dynamics Observatory.

An AR model created in Unity

This is an AR version of the lunar phase model with realistic Sun, Earth, and Moon with actual texture images. Made by Shameer (GSU).

VR Model of Sun-Earth-Mars

VR model of the Sun-Earth-Mars with an actual night sky background created in Unity by Rikcy Correia (UGA 1st yr student).

Inseok Song 2024/05/03 16:13